Nathaniel Ernst | @natefityyc
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Nathaniel Ernst is a veteran fitness trainer and registered kinesiologist within the YYC industry. His take on nutrition and fitness is purely holistic which correlates to his clients receiving a well-balanced workout plan that meets their fitness aspirations.
Fitness trainer says looks won't make you happy
By Abby LaRocque
Since the rise of social media is not stopping anytime soon — discouraging content will continue to appear on all mobile screens, and evidence suggests this affects mental health and self-esteem worldwide.
Nathaniel Ernst, personal trainer, nutrition coach and active social media user located in Calgary has made it his mission to guide people onto a journey with a final destination that focuses on self-love and not entirely on looks.

Recently nominated for Canada’s Top Fitness Trainer in IMPACT Magazine, Ernst remains humble about his accomplishments and is a genuine competitor in and out of the gym.
His philosophy is selfless, meaning, he caters to each client no matter what the circumstance. Ernst works with different body types and personalities. Some clients have clear intentions while others lack direction of what they want to achieve.
“Once you figure out the ‘why,’ people tend to be more motivated. I think when people come [to me] they don’t really know their ‘why’ so it is up to me to ask those questions to figure that out,” he says.
Before even setting foot in his gym, Ernst teaches the fundamentals of fitness and nutrition which is not always explained properly by strangers on the Internet. Lucky for Ernst’ clients, he has been a certified kinesiologist since 2013.
Since Ernst is a big presence in the Calgary fitness industry, he is also heavily involved with social media. With nearly 17,000 followers on Instagram, his audience continues to expand, which doesn’t always mean good things.
“I do a lot of handstands – my form isn’t perfect in my handstands because of my lack of shoulder ability. When I show progress with my handstands, a lot of people look at that and like to criticize me for my form in my handstands rather than looking at me progressing towards a goal.”
When it comes to his clients, Ernst metaphorically pictures them as puzzles that need to be figured out by putting all the right pieces together. These consultations are the base of a new partnership of trust and support.
“I think [social media] gives an unrealistic view of what fitness and nutrition is. I think people tend to follow people that inspire them and they follow a bit too much of what they think is the perfect person and their always comparing.”

Ernst has had his fair share of positive commentary and feedback throughout his fitness career, but he has also seen the dark side of social media that he believes comes from people with large egos.
Aside from training, Ernst and his crew at the gym engage in local volunteer activities showing that they’re more than just your common “gym rats.”

At the end of the day, Ernst is passionate about what he does. Although the industry is dominated by aesthetic, he wants to remind his clients, his social media followers and all those entering his gym that looking good isn’t the end goal you should aspire for.
“Your happiness is your responsibility. I believe that exercise and nutrition is the foundation to be happy. It allows you for physical freedom, to be able to do what you want. It allows your body and your brain to function optimally, to produce the things you need in the brain, the chemicals, the neurotransmitters, the hormones in
order to be happy.”